December 19, 2014

Pediatric Dentistry 101: Is Your Child Brushing Correctly?

86538608Your child’s dental health is important. To maintain good dental health, it’s also important to make sure that your child is developing good oral hygiene habits early on. While regular pediatric dental checkups will assist in maintaining healthy teeth, proper daily home care is equally essential. To protect your child’s oral health, take note of our pediatric tooth brushing tips below, and then make your child’s next pediatric dentistry appointment with Dr. Dunson at Southridge Dental today. Southridge Dental is the trusted family-friendly dental practice of Denton, TX. Dr. Dunson and his experienced team proudly serve families throughout North Dallas, Lewisville, Frisco, Plano, Richardson, Flower Mound, The Colony, and the surrounding north DFW communities.

Why Is Pediatric Dentistry Important?

Excellent oral hygiene starts before your child even gets their first tooth. Whether you choose to nurse or bottle feed your baby, you should begin incorporating a dental hygiene regimen as soon as possible. Before your baby’s teeth erupt, you can wipe away milk residue after feedings with gauze or a soft, wet washcloth. Once their baby teeth come in, it’s important to purchase a toothbrush designed specifically for babies and toddlers. You should also make sure your child has their first dental visit by the time they turn one. Dr. Dunson can keep your child’s teeth healthy by removing plaque buildup and applying dental sealants and fluoride treatments. Regular pediatric dentistry appointments will prevent harmful bacteria from causing dental diseases like tooth decay and gum disease.

Pediatric Tooth Brushing Tips

  • Always provide fluoride toothpaste
  • For children under age 3, use toothpaste that’s about the size of a grain of rice
  • For children ages 3-6, only use a pea-sized dab of toothpaste; use slightly more for older children
  • Remind your child to always spit out excess toothpaste
  • Teach your child to place the toothbrush at an angle against the gums as they brush
  • Remind them to move the brush back and forth, gently, in brief strokes
  • Teach them to always brush the front, back, and top of their teeth
  • Remind them to always brush their tongue to remove germs and maintain fresh breath

Denton Pediatric Dentistry Appointments

Be proactive with your child’s dental health. Make an appointment for your child with the pediatric dentistry experts at Southridge Dental today. Dr. Dunson is a trusted Denton family dentist. Southridge Dental proudly restores smiles daily throughout Denton, TX, North Dallas, Lewisville, Frisco, Plano, Richardson, Flower Mound, The Colony, and nearby Dallas/ Fort Worth cities.

November 10, 2014

Revitalize Your Smile with Porcelain Veneers in Denton, TX at Southridge Dental

101475871When you look at your smile in photographs or in the mirror, are you happy with what you see? Perhaps you even hide your teeth behind your lips when you pose for pictures because you’re embarrassed or self-conscious about their appearance. If cosmetic flaws like chips, stains, and cracks in your teeth frequently detract from your quality of life, Dr. Ted Dunson wants to help. At Southridge Dental in Denton, TX, Dr. Dunson and his experienced team offer a variety of cosmetic dentistry solutions for patients just like you, including porcelain veneers.

Why Choose Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are an ideal solution to a variety of aesthetic issues, correcting a variety of problems in as little as two visits to Southridge Dental. These custom-made shells of dental porcelain are meticulously crafted to look and feel just like natural tooth enamel. In fact, they even reflect light in the same way that your existing teeth do, so your smile never looks “fake” or unnatural. Porcelain veneers can flawlessly correct these common cosmetic problems:

  • Deep staining that is resistant to professional teeth whitening
  • Teeth that appear too small in relation to surrounding teeth
  • Chips and/or cracks in enamel
  • Gaps between the teeth that show when you smile
  • Mild to moderate crowding or misalignment

To begin, Dr. Dunson will take precise measurements of your teeth and send this data to a special lab where your veneers will be created. After they have been applied, you’ll be able to smile with complete confidence in the knowledge that your teeth look as great as you feel.

Will Porcelain Veneers Work for Me?

The first step to determining your candidacy for porcelain veneers is scheduling an appointment with Dr. Dunson for a consultation. The majority of patients faced with mild to moderate aesthetic concerns are deemed great candidates for this common cosmetic dentistry treatment, so call us today to reserve your visit with Dr. Dunson to learn more. Our state-of-the-art, family-friendly dental practice in Denton, TX warmly welcomes patients from throughout the DFW Metroplex, including Lewisville, Frisco, Plano, Richardson, Flower Mound, The Colony, and more.

September 10, 2014

Protect Yourself from Gum Disease with Periodontal Therapy in Denton, TX

185594294Most of us know that gum disease can lead to a variety of oral health problems, including persistent bad breath, bleeding gums, and even eventual tooth loss. Some of the lesser-known complications associated with gum disease can be even more serious than most people realize, so Dr. Ted Dunson emphasizes the importance of preventive care and periodontal therapy at every routine checkup. At Southridge Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, our team helps Denton, TX families reduce their risk of health problems linked to gum disease with periodontal therapy.

The Importance of Periodontal Therapy

While it is true that advanced periodontal disease can lead to the loss of permanent teeth, systemic health conditions linked to this common infection are more of an imminent threat. Gum disease has been correlated with higher instances of the following health problems:

  • Pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs)
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Dementia
  • Trouble managing diabetes
  • Pregnancy complications, including premature birth and low birth weight

Fortunately, periodontal therapy from Dr. Ted Dunson can potentially help to reduce your risk of developing health complications such as these. By managing the infection in your gums, you effectively lessen the chances that the bacteria will take hold elsewhere in the body. As with any other oral healthcare concern, early treatment is best; be sure to visit our office every six months for a general dentistry checkup and cleaning.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Whether you are currently experiencing the symptoms of gum disease or you’d simply like to learn more about the various benefits of periodontal therapy, Dr. Dunson is here to help. Contact our office in Denton, TX today to schedule your visit with our caring, knowledgeable team. We look forward to providing you with exceptional care with a gentle touch, addressing your family’s every dental need under one convenient roof. Our dental practice in Denton, TX proudly serves patients from throughout communities in Frisco, Lewisville, Flower Mound, Plano, and the entire DFW Metroplex. 

August 12, 2014

Explore the Possibilities of Dental Implants with Dr. Ted Dunson

187007308At Southridge Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we believe that each and every patient should enjoy the ability to speak, eat, and smile with complete freedom and confidence. If you are missing teeth due to injury or disease, you may find that doing these things is much more difficult than you’d like. From his state-of-the-art dental practice in Denton, TX, Dr. Ted Dunson helps patients just like you restore their smiles to full health and beauty with a variety of procedures, including the placement of dental implants.

Advantages of Dental Implants & Restorations

While it is true that traditional dental prosthetics – including full dentures, partials, and bridges – can effectively help a patient replace missing teeth, these options lack the vital stability and full functionality of your natural dentition. Dentures can slip, slide, wobble, and rub when not fitted properly, and the worry of clicks or other sounds marring your speech can be debilitating in social situations. With dental implants and custom restorations, Dr. Dunson can help you reclaim your smile and your bite in a way that not only looks fantastic, but also feels more natural than any other restorative option.

Dental implants are tiny, biocompatible posts made of titanium that are surgically placed within the gum tissue and bone of your jaw. Over a brief recovery period, these posts gradually fuse with the bone via a process known as osseointegration. The implants serve as new roots to which your restorations will be affixed. Dental implants can be used to secure a single crown, a bridge of multiple teeth, or a full denture, depending on your unique needs. You’ll love the freedom that comes with dental implants and restorations from Southridge Dental almost as much as you adore your beautiful new smile.

Rebuild Your Smile, Improve Your Life

Whether you are missing just one tooth or you’d like to learn about how dental implants can restore an entire arch with implant-retained dentures, Dr. Dunson and our team are here to help. Contact our office today to schedule your dental implants consultation and see what a difference this revolutionary restorative dental solutions can make in your life.

We look forward to providing you with exceptional dental care in a warm, inviting office atmosphere conveniently located in Denton, TX. Our cutting-edge practice proudly serves families from throughout the surrounding areas as well, including Lewisville, Frisco, Flower Mound, Plano, Richardson, and the entire DFW Metroplex. 

July 15, 2014

Invisalign Clear Braces: An Orthodontic Solution That Fits Your Lifestyle

Shutterstock InvisalignDo you often look at your smile in the mirror and wish that your teeth were straighter or spaced more evenly? For many adults and teens, the notion of spending a few years wearing metal braces simply isn’t appealing, particularly when your career requires that you maintain a polished, professional appearance. At Southridge Dental in Denton, TX, Dr. Ted Dunson and his caring, friendly staff understand that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution to your dental issues. That is why we offer an all-encompassing array of cosmetic, orthodontic, and restorative dental services to address your unique needs, including Invisalign clear aligners.

Advantages of Invisalign

Invisalign clear aligners are similar to traditional braces in that they gradually shift the teeth into their proper positions, but with Invisalign, there’s no need for metal brackets or wires. Instead, the teeth are moved into alignment using a series of clear plastic aligners that are customized to fit your unique dentition. Simply switch to the next set of aligners in the series every two to four weeks and see your new smile emerge over the course of approximately 12 to 18 months of treatment.

Because Invisalign aligners can be removed when you eat, you don’t have to worry about making any changes to your normal diet. Enjoy your favorite foods even as you undergo orthodontic treatment, and feel free to remove your aligners for short periods of time for special occasions or outings. You’ll love how comfortable and easy the process really is (almost as much as you’ll love your results)!

Your Radiant Smile, Only Straighter

If you’ve spent years wishing that your teeth were straighter but you’ve avoid seeking orthodontic treatment, Invisalign clear aligners may prove to be the perfect choice for you. Contact our office in Denton, TX today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Dunson and our warm and welcoming team. We look forward to showing you what a difference this revolutionary orthodontic treatment can make in your smile and in your everyday life. Our family-friendly office happily serves patients from throughout Denton, Fort Worth, Dallas, Plano, Frisco, Lewisville, Flower Mound, and beyond.

June 3, 2014

Caring for Dentures and Partials: Helpful Tips from Southridge Dental in Denton, TX

Shutterstock Senior Couple Hug SmileCustomized dentures and partials are a common restorative dentistry solution to missing teeth, allowing patients to eat, speak, and smile with comfort and confidence. Taking proper care of your dental prosthetics is critical to their appearance and longevity, and Dr. Ted Dunson at Southridge Dental in Denton, TX can help. Keep these tips in mind when caring for your dentures and partials to ensure their continued beauty and function.

Proper Care for Dentures and Partials

Taking good care of your dentures is simple, and it keeps them looking and feeling their best. First, it is important to remember that harsh toothpastes – such as those used for whitening teeth – are too abrasive for use on dentures and may lead to costly damage. Instead, brush and rinse your dentures daily with water and a special formula made for cleaning dental prosthetics. Avoid brushes with stiff bristles, as these can also damage the materials used to fabricate the dentures. In between brushings, remember to rinse your dentures with water after each time you eat.

When dentures are not being worn, they should be kept moist in either water or a specialized solution. Water should not be hot, as this can cause the material to warp. As always, Dr. Dunson and our team are here to answer any questions you may have regarding your dental prosthetics, their fit, and their care.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Whether your dentures need an adjustment, you have questions about denture care, or you’d like to explore the possibilities afforded by dental implants, the team at Southridge Dental is here to help. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment. We look forward to becoming your trusted partners in your continuing journey toward lifelong oral health and wellness. Our conveniently located practice in Denton, TX warmly welcomes patients from the entire DFW area, including northern Dallas, Lewisville, Flower Mound, Plano, Frisco, The Colony, and more.

May 13, 2014

Find Complete Comfort & Relaxation with Sedation Dentistry at Southridge Dental

Shutterstock Sleep SedationIf you find yourself feeling nervous or apprehensive regarding even routine visits to the dentist, you are certainly not alone. Millions of Americans experience varying levels of anxiety or fear when faced with dental treatment, particularly if they haven’t been seen in a number of years. At Southridge Dental in Denton, TX, Dr. Ted Dunson helps patients just like you enjoy a completely stress-free, comfortable dental experience with sedation dentistry.

Sit Back and Relax as We Improve Your Smile!

At Southridge Dental, your comfort, satisfaction, and ultimate well-being are constantly at the forefront of our minds. From our abundant patient amenities and close attention to detail to the state-of-the-art technology we employ in our office, everything we offer aims to make your experience a pleasant one. To this same end, we offer oral conscious sedation, a safe, proven method of helping you relax during your treatment with us.

With oral conscious sedation, the patient is lulled into a deep sense of total calm and relaxation. A small pill is taken approximately an hour before your scheduled procedure, taken as directed by Dr. Dunson. While you’ll still be able to respond to his commands during treatment, you will feel incredibly sleepy and peaceful throughout. Many patients report having little to no memory of their procedure — an added bonus for those whose anxiety would otherwise pose an issue.

Sedation Dentistry: Your Comfort Comes First

If you dread going to the dentist, have issues with lying still for extended periods of time, or have an overly sensitive gag reflex, sedation dentistry might be the ideal solution for you. Contact our office in Denton, TX today and find out more about the benefits of sedation dentistry. Our inviting, family-friendly office proudly serves patients from throughout Denton and the surrounding areas, including Fort Worth, Dallas, Plano, Lewisville, Flower Mound, Frisco, and more. We look forward to showing you what a difference our gentle, caring approach and cutting-edge technology can make in your next dental office experience.

April 14, 2014

Oral Cancer: Knowing Your Risk & the Importance of Screening in Denton, TX

shutterstock_126406406Oral cancer leads to an alarming number of deaths every year, taking approximately 8,000 deaths per year. That is the equivalent of one oral cancer-related casualty every hour of every day. Fortunately, not all cases of oral cancer end in tragedy. For many patients, the disease is detected at a stage at which treatment is effective and the cancer can be eradicated. At Southridge Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Denton, TX, Dr. Ted Dunson and his team perform oral cancer screenings as part of our general dentistry services.

The Importance of Oral Cancer Screening

As is the case with other forms of cancer, oral cancer is most successfully treated when the disease is diagnosed in its earliest stages. This is why oral cancer screening should be performed regularly, particularly for patients whose risk for developing the disease is higher. Some of the most common risk factors for oral cancer include the following:

  • Repetitive viral infections such as HPV
  • Tobacco use
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol
  • Family history of oral cancer
  • Advanced age

If any of these factors apply to you, ask Dr. Dunson about ways you can reduce your risk. Proper oral hygiene and routine visits to your local Denton, TX dentist can also aid in diminishing your chances of developing oral cancer. If you experience any symptoms of this aggressive disease – including strange white or red patches in the mouth or on the lips, loss of sensation, unexplained sores, or persistent pain – it is important that you contact us as soon as possible for a comprehensive examination.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you or anyone in your family has experienced any of the symptoms commonly associated with oral cancer, contact our office in Denton, TX today and reserve your appointment. Our cutting-edge technology and gentle, family-friendly approach truly can make a lasting difference in your oral health and overall wellbeing. Dr. Dunson and his team also welcome patients from communities in the surrounding areas of Plano, Lewisville, Fort Worth, Dallas, Frisco, Flower Mound, and beyond.

March 12, 2014

Can Dental Implants Help You Find Your Smile Again? Find Out with Dr. Dunson at Southridge Dental!

Shutterstock Explaining ImplantsThey say that the world always looks brighter from behind a smile. If you tend to avoid smiling because you are missing one or more of your teeth, however, your world might not seem as bright as you’d like. At Southridge Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Denton, TX, Dr. Ted E. Dunson helps people just like you regain their confident smiles with the advanced technology of modern dental implants.

Could Dental Implants be Right for Me?

To determine whether or not dental implants are the ideal tooth replacement option for your individual case, Dr. Dunson will evaluate the health of your gums and the bone in your jaw. For the majority of patients with sufficient bone density in the jaw, dental implants prove a superior alternative to removable prosthetics like full and partial dentures. They look, feel, and function like your natural teeth, allowing you to once again eat, speak, and smile with comfort and confidence. Dr. Dunson will walk you through each step of the process in a way that ensures you understand completely, answering any questions you may have along the way.

A Beautiful Smile & Renewed Function

Whether you’ve recently had an extraction and need a replacement tooth right away or you’ve spent years missing multiple teeth, Dr. Dunson and his team want to help you reclaim your smile and overall oral health. Contact our office in Denton, TX today to schedule your consultation and find out if you are a candidate for dental implants. We also happily welcome families from nearby communities in Dallas, Fort Worth, Plano, Lewisville, Frisco, and beyond.

February 6, 2014

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month: Celebrate with a Checkup!

Shutterstock Children Girl ToothbrushEvery year in February, the American Dental Association observes National Children’s Dental Health Month. It’s a great time for parents, teachers and dental teams to encourage awareness of early oral health practices and the importance of dental hygiene throughout the year. At Southridge Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Denton, TX, Dr. Ted Dunson and his team provide comprehensive pediatric dentistry services that form the foundation of a bright and healthy future.

Prevention is the Key to Success

At Southridge Dental, we often reference the well-known adage that says, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” When children are young, their minds are like sponges. They’re eager to learn how things work and how to take care of themselves. This is the perfect time to teach kids how important their oral health is as well as how to maintain it properly. With regular checkups, consistent home care and preventive dentistry services from Dr. Dunson, kids can get a great start on this important aspect of their overall well being.

In order to set the stage for lifelong oral health, Dr. Dunson recommends bringing your child in for their first dental visit by the age of one. We also invite you to bring your kids in with you when you visit for your own checkups. Getting your little ones accustomed to the pleasant environment of our office at any early age means they’ll be comfortable coming in for years to come.

Children’s dentistry services at Southridge Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry include the application of protective sealants, strengthening fluoride treatments, biannual exams and cleanings, orthodontic treatment and the prevention of oral injury with custom athletic mouth guards.

Smiles for the Whole Family

At Southridge Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, exceptional oral health care and patient satisfaction are our primary objectives. Contact our office in Denton, TX today to schedule your child’s appointment and see what a difference our commitment to excellence can really make. We also happily welcome patients of all ages from Fort Worth, Dallas, Frisco, Plano, Lewisville and beyond. We look forward to giving your little ones something to smile about!

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